Saturday, February 16, 2013

Emersyn is 2!

Today is the last day that my daughter is under 2. I could be sad that my girl is growing up so quickly, but I am just so overwhelmed with happiness that Emersyn has grown into a beautiful, thriving, amazing little girl. I completely worship the ground she walks on and am so blessed by her every moment. We rented a jump and bounce space for her little birthday party and she had a blast. Jumping and sliding with no fear, and giggling like crazy with all the fun she was having.

2 years ago tomorrow, Emersyn came into the world. Our girl couldn't breathe, function, eat or cry. Even the simplest of cries or whimpers, a small wail to let us know she was ok, wasn't possible. She was without a doubt the smallest and weakest being I had ever laid eyes on. She started her life that way, but that's not the way I see her, as I think back on that time and reflect. Emersyn fought for her life and proved just how strong she truly is. I look at her now and am overcome with emotion as I remember the condition she was in when she was born and every day thereafter that she spent in the NICU. That 2lb 3oz baby has grown into a laughing, talking and walking toddler. She eats everything on her plate and then mooches food from our plates. She is the most opinionated and demanding little thing and wants what she wants when she wants it. She runs and plays as if she could never be stopped. She is very chatty and often repeats what we say. Hearing her say momma is the sweetest music to my ears.We spend a lot of time going to the park, and she has to test every swing, go down the biggest slide, and say hi to every kid she sees. At bedtime, we sit with her in her rocking chair and read books. She loves any book with a moom-moom in it (moon). Before putting her in her crib with Daisy, Mickey and Minnie, she gives me a sweet kiss and says ni-night momma. I turn on her night-light with stars and a moon and tell her that the moon and all of the stars shine for her. And in my mind they do, she is the brightest being in my world. I have an immeasurable love for her that I can't describe. She is our tiny miracle and our greatest joy. Two years ago could have been the most horrific day, but our darling girl turned it, and the rest of our lives, into a beautiful love story. I love you Emersyn, with all of my heart. Happy 2nd birthday to my baby girl!