Thursday, March 3, 2011


Emersyn is 2 weeks old today and tomorrow will be at 30 weeks gestationally. She is nothing but a gift from heaven. She weighs a mere 2lbs 13oz, but that seems like a lot to us given she has gained 10oz since birth. She is still having bouts of apnea and bradicardia, so she is still on vapotherm breathing support. Her feeding is up to 7mls every 4 hours, on a continuous feed machine. Her head ultrasound today was good with no signs of a brain bleed. There are no signs of infection right now. So much to think about, so many things that could go wrong, so many things that are going right for her. My husband and I couldn't feel more blessed by this tiny angel. She had us from the beginning, wrapped around her very tiny little finger and that is where we will forever stay.

The NICU will be our home for some time longer, as our girl keeps fighting. She is such a strong baby in our eyes. Some of my other girlfriends have had babies since Emersyn was born and are already at home with their little ones, our day to take Em home will come too, we just have to patiently wait until she passes the criteria to be released. We hope she'll be ready to come home in the beginning of May. I can't wait to take care of her the way I envisioned when I found out I was pregnant. We might be able to start holding her twice per day soon, giving us each a chance to hold her everyday rather than every other day like we've been doing.

Brian's Dad made it here last night to finally meet Em, and will be here for the next week. Everyone who sees her in person says she looks so much smaller than in pictures. She is tiny, but she is growing stronger every day. We've been calling her "super-girl". I am constantly amazed by her, that she is ours, that I am finally a Mom. She's all I have ever hoped for, dreamed of. I couldn't be happier to have a family of my own...I've never loved two people more in my life than I do my husband and my baby girl. I am so lucky.

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